Michelle Obama Wears H&M!

Ok, as if more proof was needed that First-Lady Elect Michelle Obama is an "everywoman", the fact that she shops and wears anything from H&M, not to mention this $34.95 dress from one of my favorite stores ever, speaks volumes.  

And sidebar for a moment, but isn't it the tackiest thing in the world when you're around people who are always telling you about all the "designer" this and that that they own, and that they "only" wear "Louis Vuitton, Gucci, & Versace?" You're almost waiting to hear them tell you that their skin is made of actual 14 karat gold.  Tacky, tacky. Don't be like that. Seriously, its not a good look. Trust. 

So the fact that Michelle chooses to wear what looks great on her, no matter if it came off the rack from White House Black Market, J. Crew, H&M or pulled from the showrooms of fabulous New York designers, just goes to show that Michelle Obama is... freakinawesome.


Elegance said…
I would totally wear that! I agree too, people who only buy expensive stuff are so annoying. It just matters how it looks and the quality, not who made it. With the global economic stuff going on now they had better quit it!