Women Doing What They Have To Do To Get Michelle Obama's Fabulous Arms...

I've been working on getting Michelle's stellar arms myself, I started at the beginning of the year. I've been using 2, 3 and 10 lb. weights coupled with cardio and I'm actually starting to see a little something, lol..

by Madison Park via CNN

First lady Michelle Obama has a fashion following, with blogs tracking her daily garment choices. She's on the March cover of Vogue in a sleeveless silk sheath. Then there was the purple sleeveless Narciso Rodriguez she wore to the president's joint session of Congress on Tuesday. And she's on the cover of the latest People magazine in a lacy pink number, also without sleeves.

Those toned arms are becoming a trademark. And a source of inspiration for some women. Rylan Duggan, a personal trainer who runs Go Sleeveless, a blog that instructs women how to tone up flabby arms and "eliminate bat wings," said that in addition to asking how to get "Madonna arms" or "Kelly Ripa arms," clients are now asking about getting "Obama arms."

"The Obama effect has been that women of all ages have been inspired to take responsibility for their health and their body," said Duggan. "As the first lady of the United States, at 44 years old, and with two young children, Mrs. Obama has shown the world that you are never too busy to take care of yourself and look good doing it too," he said.

Exercise advocates are also fans. "She's a great role model," said Jessica Matthews, a continuing education coordinator for the American Council on Exercise. "Women shy away from strength training, because they're afraid of big muscles. She shows nice toned arms and that it's not going to lead to this myth of a bodybuilder type."

Women don't have the hormones to develop huge muscles by strength training, unless they're working out to an extreme or taking steroids, Matthews said. Obama has said she exercises in 90-minute workout three times a week with a personal trainer. The first lady told People magazine that during an average day in the White House, she and the president get up at 5:30 a.m. and usually work out and have breakfast.

When Obama emerged with uncovered arms on Tuesday, some grumbled about her showing too much skin on an occasion where other women were wearing long sleeves or suits.

Boston Herald columnist Lauren Beckham Falcone wrote to Obama, "It's February. Going sleeveless in subzero temperature is just showing off. All due respect." But others were amazed, like 25-year-old Jessie Rosen. After seeing Obama at the speech Tuesday, she went to the Adidas store in New York and bought two five-pound dumbbells. "It was her arms being so toned in spite of her life," she said.

"This woman is redecorating White House, trying to raise two children and backseat driving the nation," Rosen said. "She seems to have time to keep her arms toned, so why can't I?"

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