Michelle Obama's Sleek Straight Hairstyle Dubbed "The Michelle"...

The Huffington Post has coined "The Michelle" as Michelle Obama's straight, sleek blown out hairstyle. They also ponder if "The Michelle" will be as popular as "The Rachel" was in the nineties.


Shine said…
My name is Rebecca P. and I am a student at the Liberal Arts and Science Academy and we are currently working on our magazines in my Electronic Magazine class. My group's magazine is about fashion and I really am impressed with your picture of Michelle Obama's hairstyle and was wondering if I could use it in my layout, with your permission, of course. Our magazines are not commercial and are for educational purposes only. If you would like to see how the picture would be used, I would love to send you a PDF of the designed page. If you are fine with this, please include how you would like me to reference your picture. If you are not the person to give me permission, could you please let me know who could help me?

Please let me know at your earliest convenience.

Rebecca P.
Shine magazine

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