First Lady Michelle Obama Showing High Favorability Among Republican Women...

via Politico:

Michelle Obama continues to enjoy high favorability ratings, with a recent poll showing that 76 percent of Americans have a positive opinion of her. That’s up from 68 percent before POTUS was inaugurated.

Much of the surge has to with Republican women, 67 percent of whom have a favorable view of Michelle Obama. That’s up 21 percent since January.

So far, FLOTUS is outpacing Laura Bush and Hillary Clinton on the likeability scale. Bush and Clinton had ratings of 64 percent and 60 percent, respectively, at similar times in their husbands' presidencies.

The poll also found that people’s overall perceptions of Bush and Obama varied:

“Among the most often used words to describe Michelle Obama are Strong, Confident, Smart, Wife, and Wonderful, none of which were in the top-20 words used for Laura Bush eight years ago. By contrast, Mrs. Bush was often described as Ladylike, Quiet, Loyal, Dignified, and Pleasant, none of which make the list for Mrs. Obama. Notably, Michelle Obama is rarely described in ideological terms – only one person out of 765 interviewed describes her as Liberal.”


hippie_cyndi said…
she managed to strike a balance b/w being visible on issues she cares about, without make herself a political target. In other words, she's neither a fashion plate like Jacqueline B. Kennedy, nor polarizing like Hillary Clinton.

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